Parent Strategies to Encourage Healthy Teen Social Media Use: Register here for Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 7-8PM
- This workshop will focus on what research tells us about how teens are effected by social media
- Learn how to best support your teen with their social media usage when it takes up a huge part of our lives
- Learn how parents and/or caregivers, can help teen establish healthy social media habits
(Re) Building Your Teen’s Self-Esteem: Register here for Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 7-8PM
- Learn how to help your teen who may struggle with self-esteem, body image, and/or self-confidence
- This workshop will focus on how to spot signs of low self-esteem, and teach you how to help rebuild their sense of self
Who We Are:
Common Compass is a non-profit organization. We have worked across 8 Ontario school boards and more than 7000 students to date.
Our Mission:
To empower youth, their schools and communities by strengthening social emotional wellbeing and mental health. We do this through:
- Research-based, tailored programming for students, educators and parents
- Fostering systemic change through amplifying student voice, and coaching schools, and advocacy
Our Vision:
A future where every young person reaches their own potential to transform their schools and communities into places that promote belonging, inclusion and positive mental health for all.